whiteboi on 13-05-2015 20:58:05
its funny you know, it even shows in music how black cock is taking all the white pussy, white bois are all writing love songs about how their girlfriends left them, black guys are rapping about fucking other white boys girlfriends, i wonder where their girlfriends went lol :)
anonymous on 06-04-2017 03:51:21
i dont listen to much rap, but all i know is that i wanna find out where that bus makes its stop, and how much it costs to get on, so i can pay the toll for my white girlfriend, and send to wherever its going lol, thr only way a white man is allowed on that bus is if hesthe driver, passengers are pretty white girls, and big muscly black dudes, what an honor would to be the white boy driving that thing ,and of course to clean the jizz stains off the passenger seats :)
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