Anonymous on 29-01-2014 15:00:57
demonstrating the superiority of black cock.
Alcove6409 on 29-03-2017 19:19:00
It's amazing how women seem to be generally built to take (and basically prefer) really big cocks, since they are anyway built to deliver babies. Yet only a small percentage of the males seem to be naturally endowed to bring truly fulfilling sex to to the girls (and of course the percentage of bc's among "whites" proves to be lagging behind "coloreds"). I see evidence, that the general level of male sexual health of the entire world population is in fact impaired by unsuitable diet and environment. "Blacks" seem to have been more resistant to such influences, but they too have seen small dick impairment among their number. It should be a humanitarian priority to overcome such impairments with our science and lifestyle adjustments, to benefit future generations.
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